- 914-835-3030
- [email protected]
- 3 South Road Harrison, NY 10528
© 2024 Rye Racquet Club (RRC) All rights reserved
Website Designed by Lutz Media
© 2024 Rye Racquet Club (RRC) All rights reserved
Website Designed by Lutz Media
Staff Health *No RRC staff will be permitted at the facility if they exhibit any virus symptoms: fever, cough, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat. *Any symptomatic staff will only return to work after clearance from a medical provider. *If a RRC staff member has been exposed to someone who has COVID 19, the individual will stay home for 14 days or after being cleared by a medical provider. *Any staff member who had COVID 19, must receive clearance from their doctor before returning to work *Daily temperature checks of RRC staff will be required prior to working.
Facility Cleaning *The club will be deep cleaned prior to opening. *Thorough cleaning will be done each morning, as always. *Throughout the day, frequent cleaning of commonly touched surfaces and equipment (including ball carts, hoppers, etc) will be done. *Air purifiers will be installed in the main building lobby.
Facility Changes *Outdoor play only available. *Court benches and scorecards have temporarily been removed from the courts (we will replace the benches with 4 chairs per court, 6’ apart, once we enter Phase 2). *The water fountain will be closed off. The water jugs on court will not be in use. *Showers will be closed. *Bubble lobby and Main Building lobby will be closed. *Club Nursery will be closed for the summer. *Pro Shop will be closed during Phase 1.
Personal Safety *Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available throughout the facility, including on the courts. We suggest that players keep their own small bottle of sanitizer and wipes if possible. *RRC staff will be required to wear masks when in common areas. *Masks should be worn by everyone when in the main building lobby and restrooms. *Only RRC pros will be permitted to handle tennis balls and on court equipment. *Social distancing of at least 6’ will be strictly enforced at all times.
Player Guidelines *Please do not come to the club if you exhibit any signs of COVID 19 (fever, cough, muscle aches, sore throat, runny nose). Anyone exhibiting symptoms will be asked to leave. *If you have been exposed to anyone with COVID 19, please refrain from coming to the facility for 14 days. *Please sanitize your racquet, water bottle prior to coming to the club. Demo or loaner racquets will not be available. *Please bring your own towel and water bottle to the club. The water fountain will be off limits. *Court reservations should be made in advance by calling the club. Credit card only for court reservations. We will require the names of both players. A waiver must also be completed: https://ryeracquet-ilgue.formstack.com/forms/club_liabilitywaiver_online_form_ *Please sanitize your hands upon entry and exit of the facility, and as needed during play. *Arrive no more than 10 minutes before play, and exit the facility following play. *Restroom facilities will not be available. *Masks should be worn in common areas, but not required during play. *No touching of any club equipment or balls. *Maintain at least 6’ social distancing from other players, pros, club staff at all times. *No gathering or congregating in any area of the facility. *No unattended children. *Take your balls home or dispose of them. DO NOT PUT IN THE CLUB’S CARTS OR HOPPERS!!
Play Guidelines *Singles Play (if not from the same household): each player should use their own can of balls with different numbers. Only touch yours and use your racquet to roll the other player’s balls back to them. *No Doubles play at this time. *If you accidentally touch club equipment (its ok!!), please notify club staff immediately so we can clean the surface and make sure you have sanitizer for your hands.. *During play, if a ball rolls onto your court from an adjacent court, please do not pick up the ball. Instead, roll it with your racquet back to the other court.
Lesson Guidelines: *Private lessons only. *Players must complete a waiver: https://ryeracquet-ilgue.formstack.com/forms/club_liabilitywaiver_online_form_ *Pros will sanitize hands and the ball cart at the beginning of each lesson. *During Private lessons, only the pro will touch the equipment (hoppers, carts, etc) and balls. Players should roll the balls towards the hopper during ball pick up time. The pro will put the balls back in the carts. *No serving during lessons.
Rye Racquet Club (RRC) is concerned with the quality of the air in our indoor spaces. RRC now
We believe tennis can be played safely in this new environment if everyone works together as a TEAM!